So I decided to start a blog.  I really don't know why.  I thought my family and some friends might find it interesting to read about something that has become a big part of life the last year or so.  When I started grad school I decided it was a good time to get into cycling (which I had want to do for some time) and I could justify spending a little money on a bike (it really was just a little, I bought the cheapest road bike I could find.)  

I biked five miles to campus most days my first year but since around June I have biked to campus everyday I went to classes.  No bus.  No car.  It's fun.

I spent Christmas break and my parents house in Arizona.  Two weeks of sitting around eating cookies.  Monday was my first day back on my bike for three weeks.  When I rode up to campus Monday morning it was 25 degrees. That and the excess of cookies my ride a little more difficult than usual.  Luckily over the break I picked up a thermal bike jersey from my father-in-law Rick who got some used cycling clothes with a bike he bought.

That, along with the rest of my winter bike gear makes for a comfortable ride despite the cold.  I'm ready for the rain to come back so I can test it all in the rain.  I'm not sure why but I enjoy riding in the rain.

After riding the last few days I think I finally work of the effects of all those cookies.  Riding home today I felt the usual spring in my peddling that had been absent.  It didn't stay with me the ride but that might be because I've been feeling a little sick this week.  Next week I should be back to normal and get to campus in around 17 minutes.
Pat Bartron
1/14/2011 03:10:41 pm

Some times the cookies are worth it. I think our cookies were worth it, besides, you have worked them off by now haven't you?

Ryan Bartron
1/14/2011 03:21:20 pm

Yes mom I have worked them off, and every single cookie was worth it. I would not have said that when I got home but now that I have worked them off they were worth it.


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    Click on the Home link to see a slideshow of some pictures I've taken around some of the bike.  I'll add some more now that the weather is starting to get a little better.


    After thinking about it for many years I finally got into cycling in 2009 when I moved to Springfield Oregon.  Since then I have been using my bike as my main means of transportation to commute to the University of Oregon in Eugene.   I graduated in March with my Masters degree in Economics.  Now I'm just waiting till I find a job and most likely leave Eugene/ Springfield.  I plan to continue to bike to whatever job I get in whatever city I end up.



    September 2011
    August 2011
    June 2011
    May 2011
    March 2011
    January 2011

