So this week I'm finally getting over the lingering symptoms of being sick earlier in the month.  This week was beautiful and I decide to get out and get back in shape to reach my goal of going on some longer rides this spring. Tuesday I went out went for a short 10 mile ride.  I realized I wasn't quit over being sick and has hacking up a lot of stuff along the way. So I just kept it short.

Thursday I plopped Nathan back in the bike trailer and headed over to Island Park in Springfield down next to the river.  We stopped at the Bike/Ped overpass along the way and watched the trucks and cars drive past on I-5.  Nathan LOVES going to watch the truck zoom past under our feet.  The first time I took him there a lot of truck honk their horns for us as the went past.  No horns this time but it was still fun.  By the time we got to the park Nathan had fallen asleep.  We I woke him, he took a couple of seconds to get his barrings, saw the park in front of him and pointing, exclaimed "THERE SHE IS!"  After playing for a little bit he told me he was "all done", so got back on the bike and headed home.

I thought about getting out today but wasn't really feeling like it, but when I finally got around to showering this afternoon I decided that I needed to get out and take some of the stress (not finding a job yet and everything else that has been going on) out on the bike path.  So I threw on the spandex shorts and my Oregon Ducks bike jersey and headed out for a ride.  I wasn't really sure where or how far I was going.  I rode down to the path by the river and just pushed myself for about seven miles, cruising along at about 20 mph.  I took a break at one of the bridges over the river.  It was a nice place to just sit and think.  After about 15 minutes I figured I should get going.  I headed down to the end of the bike path, turned around and rode all the way to the other end, zigzagging around the roads and paths of the riverfront park system.  There I turned around stopped at a free refreshment and bike tuning tent and left before the TV cameras got set up, headed across the river and by the University of Oregon and took off for home.

It was a little over 25 miles.  I felt pretty good during the whole ride.  I find that after about 15 miles pedaling becomes second nature like breathing and your heart pumping.  Next week  I'll try to get a few more rides in, one of them at least 40 miles.  Maybe 50 or 60 the week after.  My new goal is to ride to Corvallis and back, check out Oregon State campus (I'll make sure to not wear my Duck jersey that day, otherwise I might not make it back.)  I think it's about 85 or 90 mile.  If I feel like it I'll ride around Eugene and stretch the ride to 100.  Not sure how long it'll take.  I'm not in as good of shape as I was last year, but a got a few weeks to get there.  Wish me luck.
So I am still searching for a job.  I had a few interviews for a position at Umpqua Bank in Roseburg.  They offered me the job but it did not pay enough so I am still searching.  Since I have lots of free time I try to spend a lot of time with Nathan.  Today I gave Heather a break and took Nathan for about 3 and a half hours.  I told him yesterday that he was going on a bike ride with Daddy today.  He was really excited and this morning when I told him he climbed in the bike trailer and wouldn't get out.
We biked over to Skinner Butte park about bout 6.5 miles away. Nathan slept pretty much the whole way.  It's a really nice park and it's right on the bike path along the river so it is a perfect park to bike to.  It was a beautiful day and we stayed a t the park for about two and a half hours.  

Here's a slideshow of Nathan at the park.
Once I convinced Nathan that we should leave we hopped back on the bike and I left the cover off and didn't put his helmet on so he could look around at the parks, animals and people along the bike path on the way home.  He really likes wearing his helmet and had a hard time taking it off once we got to the park.  I figured since we were only going 6-8 mph and still the fastest thing around he'd be fine with out his helmet.  The trailer can't flip even if I crash so it's pretty safe.

Here's some picture I took from the path on the way home. I also updated the slideshow on the HOME page found by the link at the top of the page.
    Click on the Home link to see a slideshow of some pictures I've taken around some of the bike.  I'll add some more now that the weather is starting to get a little better.


    After thinking about it for many years I finally got into cycling in 2009 when I moved to Springfield Oregon.  Since then I have been using my bike as my main means of transportation to commute to the University of Oregon in Eugene.   I graduated in March with my Masters degree in Economics.  Now I'm just waiting till I find a job and most likely leave Eugene/ Springfield.  I plan to continue to bike to whatever job I get in whatever city I end up.



    September 2011
    August 2011
    June 2011
    May 2011
    March 2011
    January 2011

